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Pregnancy Complications. Risk factors. Prenatal.

How to Cite

Paiva, A. E. S., Carvalho, B. A., Moreira, J. O., Moreira, J. O., & Lima, G. B. (2023). ANALYSIS OF RISK FACTORS ASSOCIATED WITH PRENATAL COMPLICATIONS. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 5(5), 525–533.


Prenatal care plays a fundamental role in promoting maternal and fetal health, allowing adequate monitoring of pregnancy and early identification of potential complications. However, understanding the risk factors associated with prenatal complications is essential to improve the quality of care and reduce maternal and fetal morbidity. The objective of this integrative review is to analyze the risk factors associated with prenatal complications, identifying the main determinants that can contribute to the development of maternal and fetal health problems during pregnancy. To carry out this integrative review, several sources of information were consulted, including academic databases such as PubMed, Scopus, Lilacs and Google Scholar. The descriptors used in the search included "prenatal", "pregnancy complications", "risk factors", "maternal health" and "fetal health". Studies published in the last ten years, written in Portuguese, Spanish or English, were included in order to cover the most recent evidence related to these complications. By analyzing risk factors associated with prenatal complications, this integrative review offers important insights for healthcare professionals, researchers and policymakers. Early identification and effective management of these risk factors are crucial to improving maternal and fetal outcomes during pregnancy.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Adolfo Edson Souza Paiva, Bruno Andrade Carvalho, Juliana Oliveira Moreira, Julia Oliveira Moreira, Guilherme Borges Lima