Analysis of notifications of nerve, root, and nerve plexus disorders in Brazil: an epidemiological study between 2017 and 2023
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Nervous System

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Walker, J. M., Almeida Gurgel do Amaral, A., Pedrosa Brandão, C., Santos Tavares, C., da Silva Oliveira, E., de Lima Cavalcante, M., Oranje Fernandes, P., de Carvalho Siqueira Alves, V., Dörner Vital de Brito , Y., Pinto Siqueira , I., Machado do Nascmento, Y., & Nascimento Pereira, E. (2024). Analysis of notifications of nerve, root, and nerve plexus disorders in Brazil: an epidemiological study between 2017 and 2023. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 6(10), 2608–2622.


Introduction: There is a limitation in the epidemiological analyses of nerve, root, and nerve plexus disorders, and it is important to analyze the relationship between socioeconomic and geographic factors and the occurrence of nervous disorders; Objective: To analyze the epidemiological profile of notifications of nerve, root, and nerve plexus disorders in Brazil between 2017 and 2023; Methodology: This is a retrospective observational study with a quantitative approach. The data surveyed come from DATASUS. The variables used were: "year of notification", "region of notification", "age group", "sex", "race" and "federation unit"; Results: The Northeast Region had the highest rate of notifications. On the other hand, the North and Central-West Regions had the lowest rates. Between 2019 and 2020, notifications in Brazil fell by almost half. With the end of the pandemic, there was a sharp increase in notifications in 2022 and 2023. Female cases were more prevalent in all regions. It was observed that the race with the highest total number of reported cases is white. Also, individuals aged 40 to 49 were the most affected; Discussion: More developed health systems can facilitate the detection and reporting of disorders. Regions or states with fewer notifications may be related to underreporting. It is worth mentioning that the use of drugs for the treatment of the coronavirus has been shown to be a risk factor for the development of the disorders. In addition, exposure to poor socioeconomic factors has been associated with a higher incidence of neurological disorders. The largest number of notifications in women is related to hormonal, biological, and behavioral factors; Conclusion: Therefore, it is concluded that there is a need to develop studies to analyze the relationship between socioeconomic and environmental factors and the prevalence of notifications, in order to develop targeted strategies to address the challenges.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Jasmine Magalhães Walker, André Almeida Gurgel do Amaral, Cindy Pedrosa Brandão, Clarice Santos Tavares, Eduarda da Silva Oliveira, Matheus de Lima Cavalcante, Priscila Oranje Fernandes, Vinícius de Carvalho Siqueira Alves, Yuri Dörner Vital de Brito , Icaro Pinto Siqueira , Yohance Machado do Nascmento, Elder Nascimento Pereira