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Quality of life, Satisfaction, Public Health, Women's Health, Papanicolaou Test

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Lorencini, V. S., Florencio , C. B. C., Natalizi , G. M., Fernandes , B. S. do A., Monteiro , E. P., Carvalho, H. Y. de, Pimenta , K. P. D., Ramos , E. V. L., Silva, F. B. da, Cunha , K. S., Thiengo , C. M., & Brandão , K. F. (2024). THE IMPORTANCE OF HEALTH EDUCATION IN PROMOTING THE PAPANICOLAU EXAM: BEING CAREFUL WITH CULTURAL AND PSYCHOSOCIAL BARRIERS. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 6(7), 2213–2227.


The significant burden of cervical cancer in Brazil, mainly associated with persistent infection with the Human Papillomavirus (HPV), transmitted sexually. Prevention and early detection strategies, such as vaccination against HPV and the Pap smear, are essential to reduce the incidence and mortality of this neoplasia. Vaccination against HPV, although available through the SUS since 2014, faces challenges in achieving optimal coverage, especially among adolescents and young people, due to problems such as vaccine discontinuation and misinformation. The need to explore and address socioeconomic and structural factors that affect adherence to preventive practices is crucial to developing strategies that promote equity in access to health services and improve health outcomes for all women in Brazil. OBJECTIVES: Report the importance of Health Education in Promoting Pap Smears, highlighting cultural and psychosocial barriers. METHODOLOGY: The study consisted of a Bibliographic Review carried out from December 2023 to June 2024, using the Lilacs database. 16 studies were selected that met the inclusion criteria: articles in Portuguese, English, Spanish and French, published between 2003 and 2024. RESULTS: The results highlight that, despite prevention efforts, cervical cancer (CC) remains a significant concern in Brazil, with high numbers of new cases and deaths annually. The research identified possible over-tracking among women, starting before the recommended age, which could overwhelm the healthcare system. Furthermore, there are regional disparities in Pap smear testing, with higher coverage in urban areas and among women with a higher level of education. Low adherence to screening is influenced by multiple socioeconomic, cultural and educational factors, highlighting the urgent need for educational strategies and public policies that promote equity in access to preventive health services for all women in the country. CONCLUSION: The persistent disparities in access and adherence to screening among Brazilian women are highlighted, influenced by educational, socioeconomic, geographic factors and previous experiences in the health system. To face these challenges, it is crucial to invest in health education aimed at vulnerable groups, strengthen Primary Health Care and promote policies that guarantee equitable access to preventive services, aiming to reduce inequalities and improve health outcomes for women in Brazil.
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Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Victor Salarolli Lorencini, Carolina Baptista Candido Florencio , Gabriela Maffra Natalizi , Brunno Soares do Amaral Fernandes , Emily Pinto Monteiro , Helena Yoshikawa de Carvalho, Karyne Possebom Debona Pimenta , Ellen Victoria Lino Ramos , Franklim Barboza da Silva, Karla Sant’Anna Cunha , Camila Menon Thiengo , Karollyn Fabiano Brandão