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forms of presentation, nasal bones, dry skulls.

How to Cite

Teles, E. S., Fernandes, J. da C., Alencar, D. A., Farias, T. M. de S., Santos, R. P. R. dos, Vidal, M. E. M., Silva, C. S. S. e, Bento, I. P. U., Batista, J. da S., Almeida Júnior, E. de, & Ferreira, Émerson de O. (2024). PRESENTATION OF NASAL BONES AND THEIR RELATIONSHIP WITH SEXUAL DIMORPHISM IN AN OSTEOLOGICAL COLLECTION FROM THE NORTHEAST REGION OF BRAZIL. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 6(7), 630–639.


In Anatomy, anatomical variation is a deviation from the normal morphology of an organ or structure of an individual, and among the various anatomical variations, we observe some in skulls, such as in the nasal bones. Therefore, in the present study we intend to describe the presentation of nasal bones in an Osteological Collection from the Northeast Region of Brazil. For our study, 448 dry adult skulls were used, 165 females and 283 males. All skulls belong to the collection of the Forensic Anthropology Center of the Faculty of Medicine of FAP-Araripina, located in the State of Pernambuco, Brazil. To collect data, the direct observation method was used. After data collection, we observed three types of nasal bone presentation: Type I, triangular, Type II, hourglass-shaped and Type III, rectangular. Regarding the total sample (n=448), Type I appeared in 26.56% of the skulls, Type II in 44.31% and Type III in 29.02%. Regarding males, 30.32% presented Type I, 41.34% Type II and 28.21% Type III. Among females, we observed 20.61% of Type I, 49.69% of Type II and 30.30% of Type III. Due to the great importance of this structure for the area of ​​Forensic Anthropology, further studies are necessary in our population to identify these variations.
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Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Elvira Silva Teles, Jhulliet da Costa Fernandes, Danielle Alcantara Alencar, Thaisse Maria de Souza Farias, Rossana Pires Rodrigues dos Santos, Maria Eduarda Marins Vidal, Clara Suelen Sena e Silva, Iramárya Peixoto Ulisses Bento, Juliana da Silva Batista, Erasmo de Almeida Júnior, Émerson de Oliveira Ferreira