Introduction: To offer dignity and to decrease pain during the treatment, the palliative care demands emotional abilities of medical students. Objective: Enunciate the importance of the study of palliative care to the development of emotional skills for medicine students. Methodology: This is an integrative review of literature, containing articles from the last ten years. We have selected twenty five articles, published in PubMed’s database, sorted from “Palliative Care” and “Medical Students” descriptors, only including the articles that were related with both descriptors. Results: After the entire analysis, two categories came up to be discussed: the incentive for medical education in palliative care and the incorporation of medical skills in these by the students. Conclusion: The deepening of palliative care’s study allows the development of essential emotional skills to the practice of medicine.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Maria Fernanda Targino Hora, Luana Brunelly Araujo de Lima, Laura Dayane Gois Bispo, Luana Teles de Resende, Alexandre Salomão de Braz Oliveira