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Probiotics; Periodontal Bag; Periodontal Diseases; Periodontitis.

How to Cite

Ferreira , A. F. A., Pereira , K. C., Monteiro , V. R., Nogueira , L. H. dos S., Barbosa , D. G. da S., Dias , E. I. F. M., Castro , D. S. B. de, Kiehl , O. L., Silva , E. da, & Pereira , L. C. (2023). THE USE OF PROBIOTICS IN PERIODONTAL DISEASE. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 5(5), 4360–4369.


Periodontal treatment is based on reducing bacterial load. Subsequently, this removal and the modulation of the microbiota through probiotics can be effective to prevent the recurrence of the disease and provide health to the patient. This study aimed to carry out a literature review in order to verify the effectiveness of the use of probiotics as an adjunct method in the success of periodontal therapy. It can be concluded that most of the studies analyzed showed that the use of probiotics is effective if used as an adjunct method for the treatment of periodontal disease, allowing a reduction of inflammatory mediators and regulation of the immune response. Additional longitudinal studies on this topic are carried out to verify the role of probiotics in reducing the disease.
PDF (Português (Brasil))


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Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Antônio Fabricio Alves Ferreira , Kátia Caetana Pereira , Vinicius Ribeiro Monteiro , Luis Henrique dos Santos Nogueira , Daniel Geraldo da Silva Barbosa , Evelyn Iara Ferreira Melo Dias , David Symon Brandão de Castro , Olivia Leone Kiehl , Evanio da Silva , Luana Cordeiro Pereira