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Cateteres venosos centrais. Infecção relacionada a cateter. Tipos de Acessos Vasculares.

How to Cite

Oliveira , I. C. M., & Moura, L. C. de. (2023). FACTORS AND RISK PREVENTION OF VENOUS CATHETER INFECTION IN HEMODIALYSIS. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 5(5), 4157–4173. https://doi.org/10.36557/2674-8169.2023v5n5p4157-4173


The health service develops activities and programs to reduce, prevent and eliminate quality defects and verify work processes to meet users' needs and desires. Several health practice assessment strategies have been adopted to identify the conditions under which nursing practice is carried out. Nosocomial infections constitute a serious risk to users' health, including bloodstream infections associated with central venous catheters, especially when they affect critically ill patients admitted to intensive care units (ICU), given the associated mortality. Therefore, the purpose of this study sought to evaluate the compliance of practices to prevent blood infections associated with the short-term use of central venous catheters. The study is an integrative literature review, which is a type of research, based on the analysis of a broad literature. To search for articles, the following databases were used: Latin American and Caribbean Literature in Health Sciences (LILACS), Scientific Electronic Library Online (Scielo), Virtual Health Library (VHL), using as descriptors: Central Venous Catheters. Catheter-related infection. Types of Vascular Access. Related risk factors include duration of central access, length of hospital stay and prolonged use of central catheter, as well as placement of central venous catheter in the intensive care unit, non-operative cardiovascular disease, parenteral nutrition and transfusion of blood products. Among preventive actions, the literature recommends the adoption of multidisciplinary protocols and guidelines for central catheter insertion and maintenance, management of central venous catheter insertion methods, use of dressings containing chlorhexidine, early catheter removal and continuing education.

PDF (Português (Brasil))


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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Ivania Cristina Monteles Oliveira , Layanne Cavalcante de Moura