Current Trends in Effectiveness and Mechanisms of Action: A Systematic Review on the Use of GLP-1 Analogs in the Treatment of Obesity.
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Agonistas do GLP-1

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Silva, B. de A. M. da, Moura Vasconcelos, J. L., Azevedo, L. D., Alves, A. C. S., Marques, A. A., Martins, D. I. B., Santos Neto, E. J. dos, Gonçalves, E. M. M., Ribeiro, G. L., Santos, J. de S. F. dos, Novaes, M. R. A. de, Gondim, R. M., Giácomo, R. C. C. de, Oliveira, R. H. M. de, Torres, T. da S., Melo, V. A. A., & Venuto, V. V. F. (2023). Current Trends in Effectiveness and Mechanisms of Action: A Systematic Review on the Use of GLP-1 Analogs in the Treatment of Obesity. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 5(5), 6354–6362.


This work presents a systematic review on current trends in the effectiveness and mechanisms of action of GLP-1 analogs in the treatment of obesity. The introduction highlights the growing prevalence of obesity as a global public health challenge, positioning GLP-1 analogs as a promising approach. The methodology describes the formulation of the research question, study selection criteria, data extraction, and the analysis of study quality. The results emphasize the efficacy of these analogs in weight reduction, explore the neurobiological mechanisms involved, and demonstrate improvements in obesity-related comorbidities. The conclusion underscores the consistency of the reviewed evidence and the need for further research to optimize personalized therapeutic approaches.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Bruna de Aquino Morais da Silva, José Lucas Moura Vasconcelos, Leonardo Dias Azevedo, Ana Clara Sertão Alves, Anderson Almeida Marques, Danielle Idelfonso Bottentuit Martins, Edvard José dos Santos Neto, Emili Mariane Machado Gonçalves, Géssica Lima Ribeiro, Julia de Souza Ferreira dos Santos, Marcio Ryan Araújo de Novaes, Rafaela Magalhães Gondim, Rafaella Cançado Constantino de Giácomo, Roberta Helena Marques de Oliveira, Thaís da Silva Torres, Vanessa Avelar Alcântara Melo, Vinycius Victor Ferreira Venuto