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Measles; MMR; Vaccination Coverage

How to Cite

Gabu, M. C. B., Lucena , R. G. de, Amorim , G. S., Môra , L. B. de, Silva , E. C. do N., Leão , C. H., Silva , B. V. P. da, Oliveira , M. J. V. dos S., Farias, M. F. C. S. de, Santos, J. G. dos, & Nascimento, T. R. (2023). PUBLIC HEALTH: RETURN OF MEASLES IN BRAZIL AND ITS CONSEQUENCES WITHIN A VACCINE CONTEXT. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 5(5), 3943–3953.


Introduction: The spread of measles happens mainly through direct contact with the secretions expelled by the sick person when talking, shooting or sneezing. It is possible to protect yourself against measles through the MMR vaccine, which offers immunity to both this disease and rubella and mumps. This vaccination is part of the National Calendar.  Objective: To analyze vaccination rates between 2010 and 2019, specifying the coverage of the first dose of the MMR vaccine.  Methods: Observational, descriptive and epidemiological study. For a decade (from 2010 to 2019), the coverage of the MMR vaccine will be closely monitored. Results and discussion: Based on the data presented during the study, it was confirmed that there was a significant decline in the proportion of vaccinated people in the Brazilian states from the year 2015 onwards. However, it is important to note that this drop has not yet affected the Southeast Region and has become more intensified in 2017, Venezuela had to deal with an epidemic of the measles virus happening at the same time. It was found that both the intense migratory movement and the economic situation of the country are contributing to the spread of this disease in Brazil. According to the evidence revealed. Conclusion: It was possible to observe vaccination as an effective and safe approach to prevent diseases; therefore, there should be several initiatives aimed at raising public awareness about the risks inherent in the absence of this practice.
PDF (Português (Brasil))


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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Maria Clara Bezerra Gabu, Rodrigo Goncalves de Lucena , Gabrielle Sousa Amorim , Lídia Batista de Môra , Elaine Carla do Nascimento Silva , Cybele Herminio Leão , Bruna Victória Prado da Silva , Maria Julieta Viana dos Santos Oliveira , Mário Flávio Cordeiro Soares de Freitas , Juciele Gomes dos Santos, Thiago Ruam Nascimento