Implant in aesthetic area with connective tissue graft
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Carga Imediata; Implantes; Área Estética
Tratamento ortodôntico; Tecidos periodontais; Revisão de literatura

How to Cite

Silva, T. S. S. de O., Cristina, T. C. da S., & Cossatis, J. J. C. (2023). Implant in aesthetic area with connective tissue graft. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 5(5), 4334–4346.


The composition of a smile is directly related to the patient’s self-esteem. In light of this, current implant therapy aims to balance oral functions, harmonizing both white and pink aesthetics and providing total smile rehabilitation. Consequently, it is possible to engage in implantology in conjunction with periodontics to correct gingival defects through autogenous connective tissue graft surgeries. This study aims to elucidate different grafting techniques and demonstrate comparisons between autogenous and allogeneic grafts. Mastering this subject allows the dentist to plan and execute procedures correctly for each case, which provides a promising outcome and patient satisfaction.
PDF (Português (Brasil))


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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Thayná Silva Sousa de Oliveira Silva, Thais Cristina da Silva Cristina, João José Cossatis Cossatis