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Minimally Invasive Cardiac Surgery, Video-Assisted Cardiac Surgery, Robotic Cardiac Surgery, Personalized Medicine, Innovations.

How to Cite

Aguiar, C. C., Amaral, E. S., Mujahed, G. B. U., Porto, Y. B. S., & Cavalcante , R. S. (2023). MINIMALLY INVASIVE CARDIAC SURGERY: INNOVATIONS AND RECENT DEVELOPMENTS. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 5(5), 3479–3491.


Minimally Invasive Cardiac Surgery represents a constantly evolving field in interventional cardiology, offering significant benefits to patients with complex heart diseases. This review article explores recent innovations and developments in minimally invasive approaches, with a focus on video-assisted cardiac surgery and robotic cardiac surgery. Minimally invasive cardiac surgery has stood out for providing quicker recovery, reduced surgical trauma, and shorter hospital stays compared to open-heart surgery. However, appropriate patient selection plays a crucial role in the success of these approaches, taking into account factors such as age, comorbidities, and individual characteristics. Specialized training of surgeons is essential to ensure safe and effective outcomes. Furthermore, ongoing research is crucial for assessing the long-term effectiveness and safety of minimally invasive cardiac surgery. Personalized medicine emerges as an important consideration, with the need to take specific genetic and clinical factors into account when determining the most suitable surgical strategy for each patient. As research continues to advance and new technological innovations are developed, minimally invasive cardiac surgery remains at the forefront of interventional cardiology, shaping the future of clinical practice.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Caylton Carneiro Aguiar, Enzo Soler Amaral, Guilherme Badawi Urio Mujahed, Yan Bruno Sousa Porto, Rhuan Sales Cavalcante