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Papel, Anestesista, Cuidado, Paciente, Hospital.

How to Cite

Dias, R. I. R., Neto, C. F. de O., Andrade, J. N., Silva, S. B. C., Camilo, A. B. P. C., Teixeira , S. C. F., Rodrigues, C. P. de J., Melo, J. A. C., Filho, A. da S. M., Salgado, G., Souza, L. N. dos S., & Queiroz, A. de O. (2023). O PAPEL DO ANESTESISTA EM CUIDADOS PALIATIVOS. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 5(5), 3920–3932. https://doi.org/10.36557/2674-8169.2023v5n5p3920-3932


The anesthetist plays a crucial role in palliative care, contributing to improving the quality of life of patients with serious and terminal illnesses. Although they have a tradition associated with administering anesthesia in surgical procedures, these professionals have a specialization in pain and symptom management, making them fundamental in this context. The anesthetist's main focus in palliative care is effective pain control. Using a variety of approaches, such as analgesic medications and nerve blocks, they seek to alleviate patients' suffering, promoting comfort and well-being. Additionally, their expertise extends to managing symptoms related to the underlying illness, providing relief from symptoms such as shortness of breath, nausea, and anxiety. An interdisciplinary approach is essential in palliative care, and anesthetists collaborate closely with other healthcare professionals such as nurses, psychologists and social workers. This collaboration aims to meet the holistic needs of patients, considering not only the physical aspects, but also the emotional, social and spiritual aspects. In addition to their expertise in symptom management, anesthetists play an educational role by providing information about treatment options and prognosis. This allows patients and their families to make informed decisions and actively participate in care planning. The palliative care anesthetist plays a multifaceted role, focusing on pain management, symptom management, and promoting the overall well-being of patients. Their integrated contribution in interdisciplinary teams reflects the comprehensive approach required to provide effective and compassionate palliative care and thus their fundamental role in providing patient care.

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Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Renan Italo Rodrigues Dias, Camerino Ferreira de Oliveira Neto, Jéssica Nobre Andrade, Sarah Braz Caetano Silva, Ana Beatriz Pereira Castro Camilo, Sílvia Ciriaco Feitosa Teixeira , Clarice Pereira de Jesus Rodrigues, João André Chaves Melo, Adilson da Silva Morato Filho, Gabriel Salgado, Lucilene Nogueira dos Santos Souza, Ametista de Oliveira Queiroz