Importância da Atuação da Equipe Multiprofissional na Humanização da Assistência na UTI
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Equipe de assistência ao paciente;
Humanização da assistência
Unidade de terapia intensiva.

How to Cite

Feitosa do Nascimento, A. C., Dantas , G. B. A., Mendes, L. R., Gomes, M. A., Souza, W. A., Pereira Filho, J. E., Rego , H. M. A., Nascimento , W. L. da S., Castro , A. de O., Santos, D. R. do N., Cruz , S. A. L. da, Assunção , G. N. M., & Gomes, M. A. C. (2023). Importância da Atuação da Equipe Multiprofissional na Humanização da Assistência na UTI. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 5(5), 3978–3990.


OBJECTIVE: To elucidate the role of the multidisciplinary health team in the humanization of care in Intensive Care Units. METHOD: The present study consists of a review of the integrative literature, using the PICO strategy, where "p" population: Multiprofessional health team, "I" interest: Evaluation of the performance of the multiprofessional team in relation to humanization in the Intensive Care Unit o "C" and "O" Context: Performance of the multiprofessional team in the humanization of the ICU. The filter used for the searches was with the descriptors; (Patient Care Team) AND (Humanization of care) AND (Intensive Care Unit). RESULTS: The final sample consisted of 6 studies that resulted in two topics for discussion: training and professional performance in care with a focus on the disease and feelings experienced in the ICU. CONCLUSION: It was possible to conclude that there is a need for further studies focused on the theme and that mention strategies for its implementation.
PDF (Português (Brasil))


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Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Ana Carla Feitosa do Nascimento, Giovanna Berluzzi Araújo Dantas , Lucas Raposo Mendes, Matheus Amancio Gomes, Warley Alisson Souza, João Eudes Pereira Filho, Hosana Maria Araújo Rego , Washington Luiz da Silva Nascimento , Alana de Oliveira Castro , Daniel Ricardo do Nascimento Santos, Stéphane Apolinário Landim da Cruz , Gabriel Nunes Melo Assunção , Minervina Alda Cândido Gomes