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Neuro, Aluno, Abordagens, Metodologias, Educação.

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Dias, R. I. R., Rocha, M. E. de S. B., Silva, A. de J. S. e, Ribeiro, A. R. C. O., Queiroz, A. de O., Jesus, J. X. de, Soldera, A. P. D., Neves, O. dos S., Arruda, L. K. S. de, Correia, C. A., Rodrigues, C. P. de J., & Souza, L. N. dos S. (2023). METODOLOGIAS ATIVAS NO CONTEXTO NEUROPSICOPEDAGÓGICO UM ESTUDO COMPARATIVO DE ABORDAGENS PEDAGÓGICAS. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 5(5), 3626–3648.


This study proposes a comparative analysis of active methodologies in the neuropsychopedagogical context, focusing on different pedagogical approaches and their impact on the learning process. The research focuses on examining how teaching strategies based on active methodologies influence the cognitive, emotional and social development of students with different neuropsychopedagogical profiles. The theoretical foundation covers the intersection between neuroscience, psychology and pedagogy, highlighting the importance of adapting educational practices to the individual needs of students. Active methodologies, such as problem-based learning, project-based teaching and flipped classrooms, will be explored in depth, considering their applicability and effectiveness in the neuropsychopedagogical context. The research will use a quantitative approach, with data collection using validated neuropsychopedagogical assessment instruments, in addition to qualitative analysis through observations and interviews. The sample will include students with different neuropsychopedagogical diagnoses, allowing a comprehensive analysis of the implications of active methodologies in different scenarios. It is expected that the results of this research will provide valuable insights for educators, neuropsychopedagogy professionals and educational policy makers, contributing to the improvement of inclusive and personalized pedagogical practices. This study aims to not only identify the most effective methodologies, but also understand how these approaches can be flexibly adapted to meet the unique needs of each student in the neuropsychopedagogical context. A comparative analysis will focus on evaluating the impacts of these approaches in the areas of motivation, attention, memory and specific cognitive skills of students. The expectation is that the results obtained will contribute significantly to a deeper understanding of the effectiveness of active methodologies in the neuropsychopedagogical context, providing specific insights into how these approaches can be adapted in a more specific and personalized way to meet the individual needs of students.
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Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Renan Italo Rodrigues Dias, André de Jesus Silva e Silva, Anilma Rosa Costa Oliveira Ribeiro, Ametista de Oliveira Queiroz, Joselita Xavier de Jesus, Ana Paula Dias Soldera, Ogaciano dos Santos Neves, Lillian Kelliany Silva de Arruda, Catia Arantes Correia, Clarice Pereira de Jesus Rodrigues, Lucilene Nogueira dos Santos Souza