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Cleft Lip
Cleft Palate

How to Cite

D’Agostini, J. C., Silveira Machado Boff, J., da Rocha Vieira, R. da R. V., Conde, A., Bozzetti Pigozzi, L., Paulus, M., & Cortina Bellan, M. (2023). THE LEVEL OF KNOWLEDGE OF MOTHERS’ REGARDING BREASTFEEDING FOR CHILDREN WITH CLEFT LIP AND PALATE. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 5(5), 3366–3378.


A cleft lip and palate (CLP) is a congenital malformation that affects 1 in every 650 births in Brazil. Natural breastfeeding is crucial for the healthy development of a baby, but children with CLP face additional challenges due to structural changes that affect suction and swallowing. The aim of the study was to assess the level of mothers’ knowledge regarding breastfeeding for children with CLP. The sample included 3 mothers of children aged 0 to 5 years, of both genders, regardless of the type of clef, and from different ethnicities. All participants agreed to the informed consent form. Subsequently, a questionnaire containing 19 questions was administered at the Health Care Center, Pró-face, in Caxias do Sul, Rio Grande do Sul. The data obtained were tabulated and analyzed descriptively using frequencies and percentages. The results showed a predominance of individuals with cleft lip and palate who were female (65.5%), born in a public hospital (93.5%), and with a type of unilateral transforaminal cleft (45.1%). Most mothers were aware of the cleft’s presence before birth (61.6%) and received guidance on breastfeeding before delivery (61.6%). The majority of children attempted breastfeeding (67.7%), but only 12.9% achieved effective latch. The sitting position was the most commonly used by others (83.9%), and 32.3% of children continued to receive breast milk in their first six months. It can be concluded that the lack of prenatal information highlights the need to improve guidance for mothers of children with lip and palate, focusing on the importance of breastfeeding and providing adequate support to overcome the difficulties associated with this condition. It is recommended to train healthcare teams to better advise and support families.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Joana Caroline D’Agostini, Júlia Silveira Machado Boff, Rúbia da Rocha Vieira da Rocha Vieira, Alexandre Conde, Lucas Bozzetti Pigozzi, Marília Paulus, Mariá Cortina Bellan