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peri-implant diseases; peri-implantitis; non-surgical treatment for peri-implantitis.

How to Cite

Alberto, A. P. L., Brito, S. J. da S., Silveira, C. W. Q., Santana, K. Z., Monteiro, V. R., Ferreira , A. F. A., Silva, A. M. V. da, Seixas, D. R., Teixeira, N. A., & Ventura, R. G. P. (2023). PHOTODYNAMIC THERAPY FOR THE TREATMENT OF PERIIMPLANTITIS. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 5(5), 2692–2708.


Peri-implantitis has been described as a pathological change in the tissue surrounding the dental implants, being the microbiota one of the main etiological condition and it’s the most focused in this review. One alternative therapy to the conventional treatment of peri-implantitis is the antimicrobial photodynamic therapy (aPDT), that has features as bioestimulation, inflammation modulation, analgesia and bactericidal. This literature review’s objectives are to analyze and compare the treatments that embraces aPDT This review includes treatments studies with and without surgical debridement and associated with medicines. This reviews goal is to point out, through scientifical findings, the treatment that have provided most scientifical evidences of effectiveness in the treatment of peri-implantitis. It was included articles found through bank data from Medline, Lilacs, Scielo and Google Scholar that included the following keywords: Peri-implantitis, Photodynamic Therapy, Laser Therapy. All articles analysed during this review are clinical studies to compare the results. Although the treatment’s parameters of peri-implantitis aren’t completely defined, studies suggests that the treatment that provided better results in this situation was the aPDT with surgical debridement
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Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Amanda Pereira Leite Alberto, Sávio José da Silva Brito, César Wéverton Quintela Silveira, Késia Zamerim Santana, Vinicius Ribeiro Monteiro, Antônio Fabrício Alves Ferreira , Ana Maria Vieira da Silva, Deborah Rocha Seixas, Nicolly Aguiar Teixeira, Regiane Graziela Pereira Ventura