Técnicas Minimamente Invasivas em Cirurgia Geral: Benefícios, Limitações e Futuras Perspectivas.
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Cirurgia minimamente invasiva
cirurgia robótica
inovação tecnológica

How to Cite

Ghellere, J. C., Oliveira, P. H. P. de, Aguiar, E. C. de, Pereira, H. J. de O., Marin, B. T., Fernandes, A. C. S., Almeida, A. E. F., Lippert, L. C., Silva, L. C. M., Tanuri, F. D., Vasconcelos, P. A. Q., & Ferreira, A. F. L. (2023). Técnicas Minimamente Invasivas em Cirurgia Geral: Benefícios, Limitações e Futuras Perspectivas. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 5(5), 3025–3041. https://doi.org/10.36557/2674-8169.2023v5n5p3025-3041


General surgery has been undergoing a revolution with the introduction and refinement of minimally invasive techniques (MITs), which are distinguished by offering lower postoperative morbidity and faster recovery when compared to conventional open techniques. This article reviews the current state, benefits, limitations, and future perspectives of MITs in general surgery, with an emphasis on laparoscopy, robotic surgery, and endoscopy. A detailed search strategy was carried out in academic databases, focusing on studies that report the clinical outcomes of MITs. The review synthesizes findings from relevant studies, assessing the efficacy of MITs in different clinical contexts. Comprehensive discussions are provided on the outcomes, with attention to current limitations, such as the learning curve and associated costs, and recommendations for future research are offered. Notably, the analysis of studies demonstrates that laparoscopy continues to be the gold standard for many procedures, while robotic surgery is growing, although its costs remain a limiting factor. Endoscopy has proven particularly promising for diagnostic and therapeutic gastrointestinal procedures. The article concludes by emphasizing the need for ongoing training, technological development, and cost-benefit assessments to maximize the potential of MITs.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Julia Chilante Ghellere, Pedro Henrique Pedrini de Oliveira, Emerson Carvalho de Aguiar, Hugo Juliani de Oliveira Pereira, Bruna Torrezan Marin, Ana Carolina Shinkawa Fernandes, Ana Elisa Franca Almeida, Laura Caroline Lippert, Luís Claudio Montes Silva, Filipe Duarte Tanuri, Pedro Alves Queiroz Vasconcelos, Ana Flávia Lobato Ferreira