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Tooth Whitening; Dentin Sensitivity; Side Effects

How to Cite

Leal, T. S. S., & Lima Verde, G. M. F. (2023). THE EFFECTS OF DENTAL WHITENING ON DENTINE SENSITIVITY: a literature review. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 5(5), 2043–2055.


Introduction: The tooth whitening procedure is highly requested in dental offices. However, studies on the subject indicate that side effects may occur during or after treatment, such as tooth sensitivity. With this in mind, this study aims to explore the impact of tooth whitening on dentin sensitivity, a topic of great relevance in aesthetic dentistry. The teeth whitening procedure has both advantages and disadvantages, and one of the most common concerns is the sensitivity it can cause. Objective: This research aims to analyze and understand the effects of tooth whitening on dentin sensitivity. To better understand this phenomenon, a comprehensive literature review was carried out, consulting databases such as PubMed, SCIELO, VHL. The descriptors used for the search were bleaching, dentin sensitivity and adversities caused by bleaching. The inclusion criteria for the studies were: articles in Portuguese and English, published between 2018 and 2023. 10 studies that addressed the aforementioned descriptors were selected. Those that did not address these topics, incomplete articles and abstracts were excluded. The selected studies were organized in chronological sequence (from 2018 to 2023) for a descriptive analysis. Results: A total of 111 articles were found, 21 duplicates were excluded and 90 were selected for the survey. Conclusion: It is concluded that the best way to avoid tooth sensitivity is through a careful history and a thorough clinical examination, taking into account the individual limitations of each patient. Furthermore, it is recommended to use whitening agents with a lower concentration of peroxide and reduce the contact time with the enamel.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Tyfane Sara Silva Leal, Giselle Maria Ferreira Lima Verde