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Health, Treatment, Interventions, Diagnosis, Mindset

How to Cite

Dias, R. I. R., Rocha , M. E. de S. B., Siqueira, A. P. de, leite, A. moura, Gomes, G. K. S., Labs, A. V. M., Bastos, A. R. da S., Bezerra, F. da C., Andrade, R. P., Palma, A. L. G. L., Regis, A. F. A., & Souza, P. C. (2023). MENTAL HEALTH: MULTIDISCIPLINARY INTERVENTIONS IN TREATMENT AND DIAGNOSIS. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 5(5), 2329–2337.


Multidisciplinary disciplines in mental health treatment and diagnosis represent a comprehensive and collaborative approach to dealing with psychological and emotional issues. This model involves the synergy of professionals from different areas, such as psychologists, psychiatrists, social workers, occupational therapists and nurses, working together to diagnose and treat mental disorders. The main advantage of this approach is the ability to offer a broad, holistic view of an individual's mental health challenges. A multidisciplinary team is capable of carrying out more comprehensive assessments, taking into account not only symptoms, but also the social, emotional and physical aspects that can influence a person's mental health. By combining specialties, the team can create personalized treatment plans, combining different therapies and approaches to meet patients' individual needs. This collaboration allows the application of varied methods, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy, medication disciplines, occupational therapy and counseling. Furthermore, this approach is not limited to treatment; it also seeks prevention and education, evolves to reduce the stigma surrounding mental illnesses and promote awareness. Communication and cooperation between professionals is essential, ensuring that everyone is aligned and updated on the patient's progress. This integration facilitates continuous adjustments to treatment, adapting it according to evolving needs. In summary, multidisciplinary interventions in mental health represent a collaborative and comprehensive approach that detects the complexity of mental disorders, promoting more complete and personalized care, evolving towards the patient's recovery and overall well-being.
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Atul Butte: Cientista de computação e médico que trabalha na área de medicina de precisão e medicina digital, utilizando dados para aprimorar o tratamento.

Atul Gawande: Cirurgião, escritor e pesquisador na área de medicina. Autor de obras como "Complicações" e "Checklist: Como Fazer As Coisas Bem-Feitas".

Eric Topol: Cardiologista, autor e líder no campo da medicina digital e genômica. Seus trabalhos exploram como a tecnologia está se transformando na medicina.

Oliver Sacks: Neurologista e autor de diversos livros que abordam questões neurológicas e casos clínicos, incluindo "O Homem Que Confundiu Sua Mulher com um Chapéu".

Siddhartha Mukherjee: Oncologista e autor do premiado livro "O Imperador de Todos os Homens: Uma Biografia do Câncer", que explora a história e o tratamento do câncer.

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Renan Italo Rodrigues Dias, Maria Eduarda de Sá Bonifácio Rocha , Amanda Pereira de Siqueira, Alexandre moura leite, Grace Kelly Sá Gomes, Alva Valéria Moro Labs, Adriana Regina da Silva Bastos, Felipe da Cruz Bezerra, Roseli Pereira Andrade, Aylla Lorena Gomes Lôbo Palma, Antônio Frederico Areias Regis, Poliana Cachoeira Souza