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Primary Health Care
Access to Health Services

How to Cite

Zanoni, R. D., Feitosa do Nascimento, A. C., Nascimento, B. T. S. do, Costa, Y. F. de A., Schuler, M. F. de L., Rodrigues, I. C. dos S. da S., Pereira, M. A. N. de A., Cardoso, T. da S., Teixeira, H. F., Pellin, E., Ferreira, C. S., & Irazoqui , R. C. (2023). POPULATION AGING: PHC’S ROLE IN ENSURING ACCESS TO THE ELDERLY POPULATION. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 5(5), 2007–2021. https://doi.org/10.36557/2674-8169.2023v5n5p2007-2021


OBJECTIVE: To elucidate the role of Primary Health Care to ensure access to health for the elderly population. METHOD: For the elaboration of the study, organizational methodological steps were stipulated for the construction and foundation of the present study, and these steps were successively: definition of the guiding question, sampling in the literature, data collection, critical analysis of the included studies, discussion of the results and presentation of the integrative review The filter used for the searches was with the descriptors; (Aging) AND (Primary Health Care) AND (Access to Health Services). RESULTS: The final sample consisted of 6 studies that resulted in a topic for discussion: Strategies to facilitate access to health care in the elderly population. CONCLUSION: It was possible to conclude that the Primary Care team needs to identify the main access difficulties of its elderly population, carrying out investigation, implementation and evaluation of the measures taken, in order to perceive whether they were effective within that population, seeking to facilitate access and ensuring principles such as equity, universality and comprehensiveness.

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Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Rodrigo Daniel Zanoni, Ana Carla Feitosa do Nascimento, Bianca Thaís Silva do Nascimento, Yasmim Ferreira de Araujo Costa, Maria Fernanda de Lemos Schuler, Isabela Carolina dos Santos da Silva Rodrigues, Maria Alice Neves de Arruda Pereira, Thierry da Silva Cardoso, Heloizia Ferreira Teixeira, Emerson Pellin, Cássia Sousa Ferreira, Rafaela Costa Irazoqui