Analysis of irregularities linked to publications on social networks according to the Dental Code of Ethics.
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Dentistry. Code of Ethics. Social Networks.

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Rodrigues, M. E. M. S., Pessoa, C. C. G., Feitosa, G. T., Lopes, M. A. B. S., Pires, L. G. S., & Verde, G. M. F. L. (2023). Analysis of irregularities linked to publications on social networks according to the Dental Code of Ethics. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 5(5), 1718–1730.


Objective: within marketing in dentistry, is a tool capable of establishing important relationships between professionals and their patients. To observe the non-compliance with the code of ethics of the Dental area in social networks. Methods: This is a cross-sectional observational study, carried out using an instrument adapted from the study by Lima AIC et al. (2016), consisting of the analysis of irregularities in publicity and advertising based on the ethical infractions set forth in the CEO. In order to collect and analyze data on irregular advertisements, profiles were searched for profiles on the social network Instagram in a systematic and non-systematic way, totaling 50 profiles, during the month of April 2023. Results: Of the total of 50 profiles evaluated during the evaluated period of this study, 43 had before and after photos, 39 of resin facets, 16 of biological tissue, 24 of botox, 31 with advertisements offering free evaluation/service, 45 with irregular advertising, 22 contained media during the procedure and 15 profiles with day campaign posts. Conclusion: Most advertisements and advertisements do not follow the standards required by the CEO and there is a need to monitor social networks.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Maria Eduarda Mousinho Silva Rodrigues, Carla Crisstina Gama Pessoa, Giselle Torres Feitosa, Matheus Araújo Brito Santos Lopes, Lilian Gomes Soares Pires, Giselle Maria Ferreira Lima Verde