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Bach flower solution, anxiety, children

How to Cite

Chaves, C. C., Carvalho, M. S., Ribeiro, M. R. G., & Ribeiro, Y. J. S. (2023). THE USE OF NON-PHARMACOLOGICAL TECHNIQUES TO CARE FOR ANXIOUS CHILDREN: A LITERATURE REVIEW. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 5(5), 1659–1672.


Introduction: Fear and anxiety during dental care are the main causes of compromising care, so the use of Bach flower helps in dental care by reducing anxiety peaks and consequently improving care, thus the objective of the present work is to report the use of Bach flower remedies as a treatment for anxiety in pediatric dentistry. Methodology: the literature using articles indexed in the databases of Latin American Literature in Health Sciences and the Caribbean (LILACS), PubMed and Google Scholar, in addition to detailed anamnesis, imaging tests, photographic register. Literature review: Non-pharmacological Methods in Pediatric Dentistry (behavioral and cognitive) are used in order to cause safety and confidence to the patient during care, the methods include: pre-visit image, say-showdo, voice control and nonverbal communication, homeopathic remedy, positive reinforcement and various distraction techniques. In addition, fear and anxiety in dental care are the main factors that generate non-cooperative behavior during the clinical evaluation and execution of treatment. Conclusion: The use of the Bach flower solution in conjunction with non-pharmacological conditioning techniques proved to be effective for the success of the proposed dental treatments, controlling the level of patient's anxiety.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Cynthia Coelho Chaves, Marcio Santos de Carvalho, Michael Ranniery Garcia Ribeiro, Yuri Jivago Silva Ribeiro