Análise do Perfil Clínico-Epidemiológico dos Pacientes Que Vivem com HIV/AIDS Submetidos a Intervenções Fisioterapêuticas
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da Silva da Costa, E. Y., Ferreira de Oliveira, T. J., Mendonça de Sousa, L., da Silvia Ferreira , M. L., da Paixão Caldas , K., de Carvalho Nascimento, R. de P., Pinheiro Cardoso , V. H., & do Sacramento de Oliveira, A. C. (2023). Análise do Perfil Clínico-Epidemiológico dos Pacientes Que Vivem com HIV/AIDS Submetidos a Intervenções Fisioterapêuticas . Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 5(5), 1350–1359.


Patients diagnosed with HIV/AIDS often face a range of physical, musculoskeletal, respiratory and neurological challenges. Physiotherapy plays a vital role in managing these complications and improving the quality of life of patients. The present work aims to identify the clinical-epidemiological profile of patients living with HIV/AIDS, and understand from the patient's point of view the experience and adherence to physiotherapeutic interventions in the management of HIV/AIDS. To this end, electronic questionnaires were administered with open and closed questions about the patient's profile and care routine. It was concluded that there is a predominance of cases in young adults, especially males, often associated with risky sexual practices. Furthermore, it became evident that the spread of the virus is unevenly distributed geographically in Brazil and that physiotherapy plays an integrated and multidisciplinary role in the care of patients with HIV/AIDS and contributes significantly to improving the quality of life and functional capacity of these patients.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Elisson Yan da Silva da Costa, Tânia Jaqueline Ferreira de Oliveira, Liciethy Mendonça de Sousa, Marinalva Laize da Silvia Ferreira , Kézia da Paixão Caldas , Ruana de Paula de Carvalho Nascimento, Vinicius Henrique Pinheiro Cardoso , Andrey Carlos do Sacramento de Oliveira