MEDICALIZATION OF DEATH IN BRAZIL: impacts and repercussions of pharmacological consumption from the perspective of palliative care
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death; nursing; palliative care at the end of life, medicalization, palliative care

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Neves , F. G. de O., Paula , E. de, Monteiro , H. C., Braga , C. L., Santos , I. C. D., Almeida , Y. R. de, Silva , A. C. S. da, Ribeiro , W. A., Fassarella, B. P. A., & Neves , K. do C. (2023). MEDICALIZATION OF DEATH IN BRAZIL: impacts and repercussions of pharmacological consumption from the perspective of palliative care. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 5(5), 1465–1480.


Introduction: How the medicalization of death entered palliative care and the lives of individuals as a whole, their families and the entire community. Opening a new look and a new way of care. Objective: to understand how palliative care inserted the medicalization of death in its historical process, thus being able to modify its scenarios and the entire approach to the care transformation process, which occurred from secularization. Seen as the loss of wit and layman, the category of expectation of knowing becomes an object of medicalization, acquiring new meanings. Analysis and discussion of the results: It can be said that medicalization is something that has existed since past centuries until today, for all stages of life. Placing it as a problem of the medicalization process that is not recent, medicalization was already included in society, being included in palliative care as a relation to health and the construction of a death with dignity, and it undertook the process of demedicalization of death. Methodology: type of article review, considering that secondary sources were used as a basis for composing the article. We used bibliographic review as a data collection instrument. With medicalization emphasizing palliative care. In this step we use the qualitative approach. In this way, it intends to analyze bibliographical research. Conclusion: There has always been medicalization over the centuries, but it was consolidated from the moment we talk about medicalization when referring to something that has become medical, therefore the target of a clinical look, which analyzes, diagnoses and prescribes ways to treat the problem , known as hospital-centric health care. Palliative care came in as a way of seeing death differently, not seeing it as the end, but facing death with new perspectives in front of a great process towards death, thus observing a better purpose for the patient's quality of life. individual and their possible possibilities, always valuing their will, as said, in the emphasis received on the right to individual autonomy, which denotes the preeminence of moral values ​​in force in each context examined. It can even be said that palliative care promotes the demedicalization of death.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Felippe Gomes de Oliveira Neves , Enimar de Paula , Heitor Campos Monteiro , Christiane Lourenço Braga , Isabela Carvalho Dos Santos , Yzabelle Ribeiro de Almeida , Ary Carlos Spacoski da Silva , Wanderson Alves Ribeiro , Bruna Porath Azevedo Fassarella, Keila do Carmo Neves