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neoplasia pancreática; estilo de vida; câncer de pulmão.

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Ribeiro , W. A., Fassarella , M. B., Oliveira , S. L. de, Machado , G. R. de S., Cirino , H. P., Costa , S. S. da, Carneiro , A. F., Alves , M. G. de S., Santos , N. C. dos, Castro , K., & Neves , F. G. de O. (2023). KNOWLEDGE, ATTITUDES AND PRACTICES IN THE PREVENTION AND PROGRESSION OF LUNG AND PANCREAS CANCER, BASED ON LIFESTYLE HABITS. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 5(5), 1291–1309.


Cancer is a silent disease that affects people who are victims of industrialization. A century ago, this disease was less frequent. At that time, in many regions of the world, deaths commonly occurred from infectious diseases, as a result, these individuals also had a reduced life expectancy for the development of cancer Objective: primary, secondary and tertiary prevention strategies aim to prevent diagnostic diseases them and treat them early and minimize the effects on the population, in order to guarantee an adequate standard of living for each individual. Methodology: Descriptive and analytical study of an integrative review carried out in a national database, between 2017 and 2022, comprising 16 studies regarding the association between lung cancer and pancreatic cancer. Analysis and discussion of results: Pancreatic and lung cancer are strongly subject to non-hereditary risk factors, therefore modifiable, conditions must therefore be avoided to prevent the disease screened for purposes of early diagnosis and a prognosis for the patient. Conclusion: The methodology of the multidisciplinary team that conducts the patient must be more humanized so that the cancer patient and family members can cope with the disease, and thus track an appropriate treatment. Oncological research is increasing intensely, and this growth is at the expense of the idealization, realization and publication of scientific studies. Oncology, like any other area of ​​medicine, is based on studies, these originate an aggregation of answers, which are the support of the oncological understanding and, every day new answers are added to the already existing volume of knowledge.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Wanderson Alves Ribeiro , Michel Barros Fassarella , Shirlei Lacerda de Oliveira , Gabriel Rodrigues de Souza Machado , Hosana Pereira Cirino , Sidney Silvino da Costa , Ana Fagundes Carneiro , Monique Grazielle de Souza Alves , Natalia Carvalho dos Santos , Kemely Castro , Felippe Gomes de Oliveira Neves