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Complications. Exodontics. Accidents. Biosafety.

How to Cite

Pizzolatto, E. E. P., Girardi Constant, G., Rossi, T., & Aguzzoli, A. (2023). PREVALENCE OF COMPLICATIONS AND ACCIDENTS IN POST-OPERATIVE AND TRANS-OPERATIVE EXTRACTIONS. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 5(5), 525–540.


Tooth extractions are routine procedures in which complications and accidents can occur during and after their execution. Many of these cases are associated with factors such as the patient's age, incorrect technique, lack of planning and inadequate anamnesis. These accidents and complications are classified as unsatisfactory procedural developments and the most prevalent are alveolitis, root fracture, suture dehiscence, edema, oral communication, hemorrhage, trismus and bone fracture. The present work aims to report the prevalence of complications and accidents that occurred in the trans and post-operative period in surgeries carried out in the Dentistry course at the University Center of Serra Gaúcha (FSG). The research presents 26 patients undergoing 47 extractions in which complications and accidents will be reported in association with the variables age, technique used, teeth extracted, systemic condition (ASA) of the patient.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Enrico Emanuel Padilha Pizzolatto, Gabriel Girardi Constant, Thales Rossi, Adriana Aguzzoli