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Comprehensive Care. Emergencies. Emergencies

How to Cite

Moura, A. G. de, Campigotto, R. S., Backes, G. A., Fernandes, G. X. de A., Rocha, F. S. da, Lisbôa, L. A., Carvalho, P. M. P., Souza, G. M. de, Pontes, P. D. L., Schiphorst, L. V. M., Amorim, T. de A., Lima, C. da R., & Aquino, F. H. T. de. (2023). COMPREHENSIVE PATIENT CARE IN URGENCIES AND EMERGENCIES. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 5(4), 2355–2364.


Comprehensive patient care in urgent and emergency situations is essential to guarantee the quality and effectiveness of healthcare. This study presents an integrative review of the literature that explores approaches and strategies to provide this comprehensive care, considering the complexity of these scenarios. Through the analysis of several studies and specialized literature, the main elements that make up comprehensive care for patients in critical situations are identified. These approaches include effective screening, interprofessional communication, application of updated clinical protocols, and consideration of the patient's psychosocial needs. The literature review highlights the importance of training the healthcare team and adequately coordinating resources to ensure comprehensive and effective care for patients in urgencies and emergencies. Comprehensive patient care in urgencies and emergencies is a complex challenge, but fundamental to the success of healthcare in these contexts. This study highlights the need for interdisciplinary approaches, well-defined protocols and effective communication between the healthcare team to ensure that all dimensions of the patient's health are considered. Additionally, attention to the patient's psychosocial and emotional needs plays a critical role in recovery and overall well-being. Therefore, investing in team training and adequate coordination of resources is essential to provide comprehensive care to patients in urgent and emergency situations.
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Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Aline Gomes de Moura, Roberto Spadoni Campigotto, Gabriela Aline Backes, Gabriela Ximenes de Aragão Fernandes, Fabiana Sambini da Rocha, Leandra Alvarenga Lisbôa, Priscila Medeiros Pizarro Carvalho, Gabriela Maísa de Souza, Paulo Diego Lacerda Pontes, Luana Vasconcellos Mendonça Schiphorst, Taina de Assunção Amorim, Clebiana da Rocha Lima, Fábio Henrique Tomaz de Aquino