Metabolic changes and complications associated with gestational diabetes mellitus
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Diabetes Mellitus, Pregnancy, Metabolic Changes.

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Venâncio , D. S. S., Doná, A. T. de, Alves, T. V. de O., Bispo , J. V. O., Soares , J. R., Paiva , M. dos S., Carvalho , C. P. de, Formiga, C. M. O. M., Valente, C. de S., Gomes, S. dos S., Barbosa, A. C., Pineda , G. M., Brito, V. S. de A., & Santana, A. L. B. de. (2023). Metabolic changes and complications associated with gestational diabetes mellitus. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 5(4), 2329–2340.


INTRODUCTION: Gestational Diabetes mellitus (GDM) is a disease resulting from glucose intolerance of varying degrees diagnosed during the gestational period, up to the third trimester of pregnancy. Pregnancy is characterized by several factors that make a diabetogenic state, as insulin and carbohydrate metabolism change in order to make glucose more accessible to the fetus. OBJECTIVE: to present, according to scientific literature, the main metabolic changes associated with gestational diabetes. METHODOLOGY: This is a qualitative study, it refers to na integrative review of the literature, presenting a synthesis of the studies analyzed in full, organizing them for the elaboration of results regarding the established theme, being carried out in the month of August 2023. RESULTS: The main metabolic changes resulting from Gestational Diabetes are polyhydramnios, in 25% of cases, pyelonephritis and urinary infections, hypertensive syndromes, ketoacidosis, hyperglycemia and the risk of developing type 2 DM, in addition to vascular lesions in the retina and kidneys. These metabolic changes associated with hyperglycemia may lead to a greater risk of miscarriage for pregnant women. CONCLUSION: Therefore, due to the various changes present in the woman’s body during the gestational period, greater care is necessary for pregnant women with Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM), so that the multidisciplinary team is ready to guide the care and treatments that this population needs, from blood glucose screening to care at the time of birth, avoiding possible metabolic complications and, in more serious cases, maternal-fetal death.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Diego Sigesfredo Santos Venâncio , Amanda Torres de Doná, Tatiane Vilela de Oliveira Alves, Jamilly Victória Oliveira Bispo , Joyce Rafaela Soares , Mauricio dos Santos Paiva , Carina Pereira de Carvalho , Cristina Maria Oliveira Martins Formiga, Camila de Souza Valente, Suelen dos Santos Gomes, Alexandre Cesario Barbosa, Gabriela Marques Pineda , Victoria Santos de Araújo Brito, Arianny Luiza Barros de Santana