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Dispositivos digitais. Crianças. Tempo de tela. Desenvolvimento

How to Cite

Lima, T. B., Freire, M. D., Rocha, A. A. da, Souza, F. T. de, Noronha, N. C. M., & Guimarães, A. de O. (2023). EFEITOS DA EXPOSIÇÃO EXCESSIVA DE TELAS NO DESENVOLVIMENTO INFANTIL . Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 5(4), 2231–2248. https://doi.org/10.36557/2674-8169.2023v5n4p2231-2248


Introduction: Childhood is a crucial period for brain development and the use of screens in this age group has been the subject of discussion by Pediatric Societies, considering the possible repercussions on child development. Objective: Understand the effects of screen use on child development. Methodology: This is a systematic review study, carried out on the Pubmed, BIREME, LILACS, SciELO and IBECS platforms. The following descriptors were used in Decs/MeSH: “DIGITAL DEVICES”, “CHILDREN”, “SCREEN TIME”, “DEVELOPMENT” with the Boolean operator “AND” and the filters: “full text”, “English”, “Portuguese” and “Spanish”, in the time frame from 2019 to 2023. Articles without correlation with the theme and outside the proposed period were excluded, thus, 16 articles constituted the final sample. Results: The results found demonstrate that screen time that exceeds the recommendations of the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and the Brazilian Society of Pediatrics (SBP) is associated with speech delays, behavioral disorders and changes in sleep patterns. However, the results also demonstrate that some variables in screen use, such as: total screen time, age of exposure, type of content and supervision, when following recommendations determine benefits for child development. The AAP and SPB recommendations suggest that total screen time of up to 1 hour per day, the age for exposure to screens above 2 years old, with educational and age-adapted content and the monitoring of parents and caregivers as intermediaries. Conclusion: Therefore, The present study confirmed that excessive screen exposure directly interferes with healthy child development. Given this reality, it is necessary that the recommendations for the use of screens are followed.

PDF (Português (Brasil))


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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Thayná Bezerra Lima, Marina Dantas Freire, Alana Anjos da Rocha, Fabrícia Teixeira de Souza, Nathália Costa Macedo Noronha, Adriana de Oliveira Guimarães