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Aconselhamento. Atuação multiprofissional. Diagnóstico. Doenças. Sexualmente Transmissíveis. Tratamento.

How to Cite

Alves, E. R., Akieda, C. M., Nagasawa, K. T., Aráujo, V. M. de, Ferrucci, G. H. F., Bezerra, T. A., Lopes, L. M., Santos, D. G., Santos, A. O., Andrade, M. dos S., & Santos, G. N. dos. (2023). MULTIPROFESSIONAL ACTION IN THE DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT OF SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED DISEASES. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 5(4), 1902–1911.


Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) represent a global public health challenge, requiring multifaceted approaches for effective diagnosis and treatment. Multiprofessional action plays a fundamental role in the comprehensive management of these diseases, addressing clinical, social and public health aspects. This study aims to conduct an integrative literature review to investigate and summarize the contribution of multidisciplinary work in the diagnosis and treatment of STDs, highlighting the benefits and challenges of this approach. The methodology used in this study is the integrative literature review, which consists of a systematic search and critical analysis of relevant studies. Electronic databases such as PubMed, Scopus and Google Scholar were consulted, using keywords related to the theme. Studies published between 2010 and 2022 that addressed multidisciplinary action in the context of STDs were included. Multiprofessional work in the diagnosis and treatment of STDs emerges as an effective and comprehensive approach. Health professionals, including physicians, nurses, psychologists, social workers and educators, play complementary roles in the prevention, early diagnosis, counseling and treatment of STDs. This multidisciplinary approach helps reduce the spread of STDs, promote adherence to treatment, and improve patients' quality of life. However, challenges such as integrating services and overcoming stigmas are also evident. Joint work and interprofessional training are essential to optimize results.
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Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Emilly Rocha Alves, Cintia Mari Akieda, Kaori Taga Nagasawa, Vannyne Melo de Aráujo, Gabriel Henrique Filgueira Ferrucci, Anne Hellen Brito Leite, Tamires Almeida Bezerra, Lucas Moura Lopes, Deisiele Gomes Santos, Adriana Oliveira Santos, Maria dos Santos Andrade, Gabriel Novaes dos Santos