Advancements in Understanding Child Development in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD): Clinical and Therapeutic Implications.
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Autism Spectrum Disorder, behavioral interventions, play-based therapies, pharmacological interventions, child development.

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Costa , L. N. da, Herzog , M. V. M., Santos , M. J. G. F., Santos , A. J. F., Tsugao , P. S., Marin, B. T., Mas , B. A. D., Martins , V. de S., Malveira, L. L., Celestino , H. de O., Merçon , J. C. A., Padua , A. C. D. e, Cabral , N. O., Raitez, S. R., Veloso , A. H. S., Veloso, R. S., & Teixeira, L. F. L. (2023). Advancements in Understanding Child Development in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD): Clinical and Therapeutic Implications. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 5(4), 1989–2000.


Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental condition that affects social communication and involves repetitive or restrictive behaviors. With its increasing prevalence, the need to understand and effectively intervene in ASD is urgent. This review focuses on recent advancements related to understanding child development in children with ASD and the subsequent clinical and therapeutic implications. Behavioral interventions continue to be the cornerstone of treatment, with intensive and well-structured approaches showing improvements in areas such as communication and social skills. However, play-based therapies have gained prominence, providing natural environments for social development. Simultaneously, the field of pharmacological interventions has evolved, aiming to address specific symptoms and associated comorbidities of ASD. Despite promising individualized approaches, combining multiple interventions proves to be more effective, considering the multifaceted nature of ASD. Future research should continue to focus on evidence-based and individualized treatments, with an emphasis on a deep understanding of the underlying neurobiological mechanisms and long-term assessment of interventions.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Luiza Nunes da Costa , Maria Vitoria Manfio Herzog , Maria Julia Gomes Ferreira Santos , Arthur Junqueira Ferreira Santos , Paula Sayuri Tsugao , Bruna Torrezan Marin, Bruna Amaral Dal Mas , Verônica de Souza Martins , Lucas Lopes Malveira, Hemily de Oliveira Celestino , João César Almeida Merçon , Ana Carolina Diniz e Padua , Nádia Oliveira Cabral , Skarlett Ribeiro Raitez, Arthur Henrique Santos Veloso , Rafaianne Santos Veloso, Luiz Fernando Lopes Teixeira