Potentialities and challenges encountered in the performance of the multidisciplinary team in a hospital environment
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Patient care team
Interpersonal relationships
Collective effectiveness
Communication barriers

How to Cite

Barbosa, M. L. C. da S., Dantas, G. B., Sampaio, B. A., Santos, T. S. B. dos, Lima, C. G. de, Nascimento, D. S. S. do, Santos, E. T. dos, Silva, E. R. da, Magalhães, A. C. M., Costa, C. J. G., Perna, K. R. B., & Zanoni, R. D. (2023). Potentialities and challenges encountered in the performance of the multidisciplinary team in a hospital environment. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 5(4), 1319–1330. https://doi.org/10.36557/2674-8169.2023v5n4p1319-1330


This article aims to present the potentialities and challenges in the performance of the multidisciplinary health team in a hospital environment. This is an integrative literature review, thus making it possible to structure the following guiding question: “What are the potentialities and challenges encountered in the performance of the multidisciplinary team in a hospital environment?”. A survey was carried out through the electronic library, the Virtual Health Library, and the following databases were selected: Databases in Nursing, Latin American and Caribbean Literature in Health Sciences and Medical Literatures Analysis and Retrieval System Online. After applying the eligibility criteria, 8 selected articles were used in total, as it satisfactorily addresses the potentialities and challenges encountered in the performance of the multidisciplinary team in a hospital environment. The results point to findings that emphasize the importance of feeling psychologically safe and having low interpersonal conflict for health teams to be effective, in addition to not assuming the expertise of team members. In this way, it was seen that greater psychological safety among multidisciplinary health teams can present a greater ability to contribute professional knowledge in a team where other professionals trust this knowledge and expect to receive it. Therefore, the present study presented the main potentialities and challenges found in the performance of the multidisciplinary team in a hospital environment, considering several problems between the multidisciplinary team and its performance.

PDF (Português (Brasil))


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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Maria Letícia Cardoso da Silva Barbosa, Gabriel Borges Dantas, Bianca Almeida Sampaio, Tâmara Silva Barbosa dos Santos, Cláudio Guerra de Lima, David Saches Santos do Nascimento, Erival Teixeira dos Santos, Evandro Rogério da Silva, Ana Carolina Marques Magalhães, Carlos Junior Gemaque Costa, Rodrigo Daniel Zanon