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HIV. Teste de HIV. Soropositividade para HIV. Sobreviventes de longo prazo ao HIV. Papel do dentista. Relação dentista – paciente.

How to Cite

Cruz, L. dos S. M., Nery , O. R., Sepulveda , T. . P., Vilar, H. . V. de A., & Neto , M. F. (2023). DENTAL CARE IN HIV-positive PATIENTS. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 5(4), 1101–1123.


This study was based on the behavior of dentists when dealing with seropositive patients, as well as the oral lesions that affect the oral cavity in patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. The objective was to help dentists conduct themselves in relation to patients with HIV, how they should treat them and what manifestations are present in the oral cavity of immunosuppressed patients. The method used in this project was a literature review based on scientific articles on the subject, obtained from the databases: Google Scholar, Scielo and PubMed, in addition to the keywords that were: HIV. HIV test. HIV seropositivity. Long-term HIV survivors. Dentist's role. Dentist-patient relationship. The expected result of this literature review was to show and awaken the importance of knowing how to provide care to patients with HIV, as well as adopting protective measures for these people who suffer prejudice daily, as well as the safety of the dental team in terms of biosafety and ethics. In this way, it is concluded that dental professionals are not being properly instructed to care for seropositive patients, both in terms of ethics, biosafety and oral manifestations present in these immunosuppressed patients.
PDF (Português (Brasil))


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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Lylian Marinho, Ohana Rocha Nery , Tatiana Pinto Sepulveda , Heleno Viriato de Alencar Vilar, Miguel Ferraro Neto