Introduction: Onychomycosis is a fungal infection that affects the nails and is caused by fungi that grow, remain alive and active. It can cause discomfort and change the shape of the nail. Objective: To report the case of a patient with HIV who was co-infected in a hospital setting due to nail infection due to onychomycosis. Methodology: This is a retrospective, descriptive, case report study, where the necessary information will be taken directly from the patient's electronic medical record. Result: The patient has been living with HIV for 30 years, is taking ART irregularly, has a virological status of CD4: 31 cells and a viral load of 80 copies. She is being treated for pulmonary tuberculosis, with diarrheal syndrome, acute kidney injury with uremia. In subsequent days, while in shared accommodation, lesions appeared in the distal subungual region, with thickening and yellowing of the nails and accumulation of keratin and debris underneath them, with the spread of white calcareous scales below the surface of the nail. The dermatology diagnosis showed that it was nosocomial (hospital) onychomycosis, that is, the patient became infected in a hospital setting while receiving health care. She was placed in a private room, as a precaution against contact. During the visit, the staff, companions and family members were instructed on the need to use PPE to break the chain of transmission. Conclusion: The chain of transmission can be broken by washing with soap and water or by rubbing with 70% alcohol. This recommendation applies to health professionals, visitors and patients alike.
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