Comparison of Techniques: Robotic Appendectomy vs. Laparoscopic.
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Acute appendicitis, Laparoscopic appendectomy, Robotic appendectomy, Postoperative recovery, Surgical complications.

How to Cite

Padilla Ortiz, A. A., Licoa Navarro, Y. J., Peñafiel Rivas , K. S., Alvarado Muñoz , B. Y., Uvidia Heredia , E. S., Sinalin Chango, J. N., Ochoa Mora , E. Y., Chiriboga Quinto , J. E., Calderón Lombeida , E. S., Páez Valverde, C. A., & González Uzho , J. A. (2024). Comparison of Techniques: Robotic Appendectomy vs. Laparoscopic. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 6(11), 1000–1012.


Introduction:  Acute appendicitis requires surgical interventions such as appendectomy, which can be performed using minimally invasive techniques such as laparoscopy (AL) and, more recently, robot-assisted surgery (AR). Objective: Compare the effectiveness, safety and costs of both surgical techniques. Method: A bibliographic search was conducted in medical databases, evaluating recent studies between 2018 and 2023. Results: The results indicate that, although surgical times do not differ significantly between AL and AR, AR offers a faster postoperative recovery. However, the high costs associated with RA limit its application, especially in resource-constrained healthcare systems. Evidence suggests that RA reduces intraoperative complications, but its high cost raises questions about its widespread adoption. Discussion: AL, despite its limitations, remains effective and accessible, with low complication and morbidity rates. AR improves surgical precision, but the high cost and requirement for specialized training limit its applicability. Patient preferences, influenced by postoperative pain and aesthetic considerations, are also crucial in the surgical decision. Conclusions: Although AR has advantages in terms of precision and recovery, its adoption must be evaluated against its high costs. LA, being accessible and effective, insists as the preferred option in many contexts until there is more evidence to justify a change towards AR.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Andrés Alexander Padilla Ortiz, Yosenka Jaritza Licoa Navarro, Katherine Scarlet Peñafiel Rivas , Benjamin Yeshua Alvarado Muñoz , Estefanny Solange Uvidia Heredia , Jesús Nicolás Sinalin Chango, Evelyn Yelena Ochoa Mora , Joel Elias Chiriboga Quinto , Evelyn Stefania Calderón Lombeida , César Augusto Páez Valverde, José Adolfo González Uzho


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