Objective: The objective of this experience report is to report in detail the experiences lived during the internship in Primary Health Care I, addressing what was done during this period, what was seen in each area experienced during the internship, reporting the lives of the health professionals in which the interns accompanied, showing how the USF works. Methodology: During the internship period, 8 visits were made to the USF, during these visits, we monitored how the vaccination and pharmacy areas work, we visited residents of the region together with a community health agent who guided us and introduced the residents and their respective homes and streets, in addition, we accompanied the dentist of the unit, which allowed the monitoring of several procedures and dental cases. Results: During the internship, the excellent interprofessional relationship within the unit was observed, where each health professional acts to assist and promote the other, carrying out work that depends on and relates to the different health professionals that make up the unit. Conclusion: Thus, it was observed that the unit receives a large flow of patients, a great demand for medicines, materials and procedures that help the patient's health, which highlighted how essential the unit is in the lives of the region's residents, the vast majority of whom regularly seek the unit in search of services that can benefit and promote health.
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Guimarães Sampaio Trajano Dos Santos, P., Cavalcanti de Lima Félix, L., Alves Sarmento, J. H., Camillo Veras, J., Coelho Travassos, R. M., Perez Leyva Ataíde, J., Coelho de Ataíde Filho, A., & Barreto Silva, L. (2024). Extraction of a right upper second molar with periapical lesion: Case report. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 6(10), 2918–2923. https://doi.org/10.36557/2674-8169.2024v6n10p2918-2923
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Copyright (c) 2024 Pedro Guimarães Sampaio Trajano Dos Santos, Lucas Cavalcanti de Lima Félix, José Henrique Alves Sarmento, Rosana Maria Coelho Travassos, Rodolfo Scavuzzi Carneiro Cunha, Juliana Perez Leyva Ataíde, Ailton Coelho de Ataíde Filho, Hadassa Fonsêca da Silva, Eudoro de Queiroz Marques Filho, Luciano Barreto Silva