Paresthesia of the inferior alveolar nerve after third molar extractions: evaluation, prevention, and management.
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Third Molar
Disease Prevention
Clinical Diagnosis

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Caldas, W. K. L., Moura Chaves, M. F. de M. C., Vieira de Souza, M. G., Soares Costa, K. R., da Silva Magalhães, A. K. D., Menezes Júnior, C. B. L. de, Macêdo Barbosa, R. V., Carvalho Leite, E. K., Lima Cunha, L. J., Gonçalves da Silva, M. E., & Silva, C. R. (2024). Paresthesia of the inferior alveolar nerve after third molar extractions: evaluation, prevention, and management. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 6(10), 2582–2590.


Introduction: The extraction of lower third molars can result in inferior alveolar nerve (IAN) paresthesia, causing loss of sensitivity. With an incidence of up to 6% of cases, it is crucial to adopt preventive measures during this surgery and provide adequate postoperative care to minimize negative impacts on patients' quality of life. Objective: To discuss methods of diagnosis, prevention, and management of paresthesia related to lower third molar extraction. Methodology: This is an exploratory study of a qualitative nature outlined by bibliographic research to investigate the assessment, prevention, and management of IAN paresthesia after extraction of third molars. The LILACS and Medline via BVS were used. Nine articles were selected after applying inclusion and exclusion criteria. Results: Cone-beam computed tomography improves diagnostic accuracy and surgical planning, reducing postoperative complications compared to panoramic radiography. Coronectomy has been shown to be effective as a preventive technique against paresthesia. Therapy with concentrated growth factor and laser demonstrated better sensory recovery of the inferior alveolar nerve compared to treatment with mecobalamin. Conclusion: The scientific literature emphasizes the use of computed tomography for surgical planning and coronectomy to reduce the incidence of paresthesia. Additionally, postoperative management requires a careful approach and effective rehabilitation strategies. Growth factors, laser, and photobiomodulation show potential in reducing symptoms but require further research to validate their clinical efficacy.
PDF (Português (Brasil))


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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Weslanny Katarine Lima Caldas, Marcos Felipe de Moura Chaves Moura Chaves, Maria Glória Vieira de Souza, Kluiverth Rivero Soares Costa, Anne Kaylla D’Maria da Silva Magalhães, Cláudio Barbosa Loura de Menezes Júnior, Rudyan Victor Macêdo Barbosa, Evellyn Karolinne Carvalho Leite, Leticia Jaciane Lima Cunha, Maria Elizabete Gonçalves da Silva, Camila Roxo Silva