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Gonoarthrosis, arthroscopy, arthroplasty.

How to Cite

Sant’Anna Aragão, I. C., Sant’Anna Aragão, F. M., Rezende Santos, A. E., Jacó Carvalho, A. O. S., Guerra, D. R., Correa Feitosa, V. L., Reis, F. P., & Aragão, J. A. (2024). TIME INTERVAL BETWEEN ARTHROSCOPY AND TOTAL KNEE ARTHROPLASTY IN ELDERLY PATIENTS WITH OSTEOARTHRITIS. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 6(10), 2076–2088. https://doi.org/10.36557/2674-8169.2024v6n10p2076-2088


The present research aimed to verify, through a literature review, the necessary time between procedures, that is, how long patients affected by arthrosis and subjected to arthroscopy took until total arthroplasty was necessary. The general objective was to verify the average time between arthroscopy and arthroplasty in elderly patients with knee osteoarthritis. The specific objectives include reviewing the bibliography that supports the topic of arthroscopy in the knees of elderly patients, determining the average time between arthroscopy and arthroplasty, and verifying how arthroscopy delays or anticipates the need for arthroplasty. As arthroplasty is the most widely used treatment for knee osteoarthritis, it is important that its efficiency be reviewed and compared with other methods, in order to try to establish a therapeutic procedure that promotes the patient's well-being. The research was conducted through a literature review, carried out in scientific indexing databases, including scientific articles, journals, magazines, and academic books. Searches were conducted using the descriptors "arthroscopy in knee osteoarthritis", "arthroscopy in knee osteoarthritis in the elderly" and "treatments for osteoarthritis in the elderly". This is a qualitative, documentary, and bibliographic research.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Iapunira Catarina Sant’Anna Aragão, Felipe Matheus Sant’Anna Aragão, André Elias Rezende Santos, Adler Oliveira Silva Jacó Carvalho, Danilo Ribeiro Guerra, Vera Lúcia Correa Feitosa, Francisco Prado Reis, José Aderval Aragão