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Odontogenic infection
Bacterial endocarditis;

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Rodrigues de Oliveira, M. E., Muniz Ramos de Andrade, E., Alves Nogueira, M., Lino da Silva, M. E., de Lima Barros, G. L., Santos Lyra da Paz, E., Barreto Silveira, A. C., Rodrigues Guaraná, C. F., Coelho Travassos, R. M., Braga da paz Junior, F., Farias do Prado, V. F., & Rocha Freitas, L. (2024). ENDOCARDITE BACTERIANA LIGADA À INFECÇÃO ODONTOGÊNICA: UMA REVISÃO DE LITERATURA . Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 6(10), 436–449. https://doi.org/10.36557/2674-8169.2024v6n10p436-449


  The dental surgeon's area of ​​activity has clinical importance that goes beyond the oral cavity and its adjacent tissues. Diseases that are treated by dentists are often neglected by the population, however, it is extremely important to explore the need for care and treatment of oral infections, taking into account that the oral cavity is the gateway to other systemic diseases. Highlighting, therefore, odontogenic infection, such as periodontitis, as an aggravating factor for bacteremia disseminated around the human body, highlighting, in particular, bacterial endocarditis (BE). . EB is an infection that affects the walls of the heart tissue. It is considered a rare disease, with a high mortality rate and mainly affects people who already have some type of heart problem. Studies indicate that around 40% of the causes of EB come from infections that begin in the oral cavity. This literature review was based on 13 articles published between the years 2009 and 2024. The inclusion criteria were articles available free of charge and in full for reading, published within a space of 15 years and with topics related to EB caused by odontogenic infections. As a discussion, topics relevant to the general analysis of this subject were covered, such as: pathophysiology of odontogenic infection, physiology of bacterial endocarditis, main pathogens associated with bacterial endocarditis and oral microbiota, identification of patients with a high risk rate, invasive procedures, and prophylaxis antibiotic for dental purposes. In conclusion, the relevance of this topic and the understanding of its complications for the individual's comprehensive health stand out. Encompassing and affirming the direct relationship of odontogenic infections in cases of bacterial endocarditis.


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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Maria Eduarda Rodrigues de Oliveira, Elizabeth Muniz Ramos de Andrade, Manuela Alves Nogueira, Maria Eduarda Lino da Silva, Gabriel Luiz de Lima Barros, Eliana Santos Lyra da Paz, Ana Cristina Barreto Silveira, Carlos Fernando Rodrigues Guaraná, Rosana Maria Coelho Travassos, Francisco Braga da paz Junior, Victor Felipe Farias do Prado, LIndeberg Rocha Freitas