Prognosis of Patients with Acute Coronary Syndrome After Discharge from Emergency Services: An Integrative Review
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Acute Coronary Syndrome, Prognosis, Troponin I, Integrative Review.

How to Cite

Alcantara Machado, D. A., Almeida , A. de J. R., do Vale Rocha , B. M. P., Silva , F. de V., Moreira , G. P., Rios Neto , I. M., Olivieri , M. de L. A., Collier , M. L. C., Cavalcante , M. de S., Matias , N. F., Castro Filho , P. de T. B., Martins , T. G., & Oliveira, V. da C. (2024). Prognosis of Patients with Acute Coronary Syndrome After Discharge from Emergency Services: An Integrative Review. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 6(8), 3172–3188.


This article presents an integrative review of the literature aimed at evaluating the main prognostic factors influencing outcomes in patients with Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS) after discharge from emergency services. The review analyzed studies investigating the role of laboratory markers such as troponin I and C-reactive protein, specific electrocardiographic patterns, and prognostic scores in the risk stratification of these patients. The findings demonstrate that a multidimensional approach, integrating these various factors, is essential for the early identification of patients at high risk for adverse cardiovascular events. Additionally, the study highlights the need to adapt prognostic scores for diverse clinical contexts, such as regional emergency services, and the importance of standardization in the interpretation of electrocardiographic results. It concludes that implementing these practices in clinical routine can significantly improve outcomes and reduce mortality associated with ACS. The evidence discussed serves as a foundation for future research and the development of guidelines that optimize post-discharge care in patients with ACS.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Daniel Antonio Alcantara Machado, Amanda de Jesus Rebêlo Almeida , Bruno Meira Passamani do Vale Rocha , Flávio de Vasconcelos Silva , Gabriel Pinho Moreira , Izac Miranda Rios Neto , Maria de Los Angeles Olivieri , Maria Luiza Carvalho Collier , Mateus de Sousa Cavalcante , Natália Feitosa Matias , Paulo de Tarso Bezerra Castro Filho , Thaynara Guimarães Martins , Verônica da Costa Oliveira