Parâmetros laboratoriais e idade como indicadores de risco de mortalidade no diagnóstico de SARS-CoV-2
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Pozzobon, A., Perondi Castoldi, A., Bandeira, J. R., Ribeiro de Castro Cardoso, L., Portaluppi Michelon, C., Resmini Durigon, G., Vedoin Sousa, C., Zago Cembranel, V., Biolchi, V., & Muccillo Dexheimer, G. (2024). Parâmetros laboratoriais e idade como indicadores de risco de mortalidade no diagnóstico de SARS-CoV-2. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 6(8), 2187–2204.


The present study aimed to evaluate the clinical characteristics of hospitalized patients with signs and symptoms of covid-19 and laboratory tests of these patients, verifying its relationship with mortality. A total of 500 medical records were analyzed of patients diagnosed with covid-19 during the years 2020 and 2021.  The mean total age was 61.27, and the average body mass index was 30.09Kg/m2. In the risk analysis, patients over 72 years old, the risk is 3.74 (222 to 6.29) times greater dying than patients under 72 years. A significant relationship was observed with age, hematological inflammatory markers and coagulation markers. This study shows that obesity alone was not a determinant for the risk of mortality in the evaluated population. Age was a determining factor for this risk. This characteristic can be explained by the mechanism of immunosenescence observed in this population.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Adriane Pozzobon, Alencar Perondi Castoldi, Jardel Rodrigo Bandeira, Laura Ribeiro de Castro Cardoso, Camila Portaluppi Michelon, Gabriela Resmini Durigon, Caroline Vedoin Sousa, Victória Zago Cembranel, Vanderlei Biolchi, Geórgia Muccillo Dexheimer