Updates on advances in pediatric robotic surgery
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Robotical Surgery Procedures; Pediatric; Telepediatrics.

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Cruz, L. C. A. O. da, Alves , A. P., Moita, C. A., Gallinea, C., Silveira , E. R., Lopes , H. M. A. F., Paixão, I. M. da S., Rino, J. G. de S., Lima , K. E. R. de, Graciliano, L. M. F., Ponte , M. M. da, Castrechini , M. V. V. P., Garbugio , M. L., Silva , M. S. B. G., Sobrinho , N. S., Santos, P. V. P. dos, Cunha, S. R. C., Cunha, S. C., Neto, T. R., & Pecinato, V. (2024). Updates on advances in pediatric robotic surgery. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 6(8), 2205–2222. https://doi.org/10.36557/2674-8169.2024v6n8p2205-2222


Introduction: Robotic surgery (RS) is one of the most promising minimally invasive surgical
procedures, and its introduction in pediatrics in 2001 brought a new perspective to the
surgical context. Surgical robotic technology is advancing rapidly, with two main systems
currently in use, the Da Vinci and Senhance, although new technologies are being developed
to overcome the limitations of these systems. Methodology: This is an integrative literature
review, based on a search performed in the PubMed, SciELO and Virtual Health Library (VHL)
databases. Twenty-eight articles were collected after applying the inclusion criteria, from
which the main ideas that answer the guiding research question were extracted: “What are
the main changes and perspectives in the field of pediatric robotics today?”. Results and
Discussion: Robotic surgery has gained traction in pediatrics due to its benefits, such as lower
risk of complications, reduced hospital stay and reduced use of post-surgical narcotics. There
are innovative projects in the area that promise to revolutionize surgery in general, although
their applications in pediatrics are still speculative. However, there are important limitations
that prevent the implementation of this modality on a large scale, including the high cost of
installation and maintenance, in addition to the time and resources required to train surgeons.
Despite this, RC continues to gain new followers, especially in urology, where it is most widely
used in both adults and pediatrics. Growth in other fields of medicine is also promising, such
as fetal surgery, general surgery, transoral surgeries, neurosurgery, and oncology. Conclusion:
The benefits of RC compared to other minimally invasive procedures are notable, especially in
urology, and the limitations tend to decrease with the advancement of technology and the
dissemination of the modality.

PDF (Português (Brasil))


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Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Lara Cristina Alves Oliveira da Cruz, Alethea Paulline Alves , Carolina Alves Moita, Carolina Gallinea, Emmanuela Regina Silveira , Hyara Maria Alves Ferreira Lopes , Inaclesia Maria da Silva Paixão, João Guilherme de Souza Rino, Karla Emanuelly Ribeiro de Lima , Larissa Melo Faiad Graciliano, Marina Martins da Ponte , Maria Victoria Vilela Perroni Castrechini , Manuela Loidi Garbugio , Matheus Sousa Barbosa Gonçalves Silva , Natália Sampaio Sobrinho , Priscila Vitória Pereira dos Santos, Sara Regina Corrêa Cunha, Samuel Correa Cunha, Tadeu Romagnoli Neto, Viviane Pecinato