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Ectopic pregnancy, tubal pregnancy, obstetrics.

How to Cite

Campanha , K., Santos, R. C. N., Souza, B. T., Dutra, J. C. T., Pin, L. D. N., Filgueiras, K. C. G., Neto, E. A. C., Santos, R. N., & Giacomin , A. (2024). ECTOPIC PREGNANCY: A COMPREHENSIVE APPROACH ON ITS DIAGNOSIS, SYMPTOMS AND TREATMENT. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 6(8), 120–129.


Ectopic pregnancy is a serious medical condition that occurs when the blastocyst implants outside the uterus, being the main cause of maternal mortality in the first trimester. In Brazil, it is one of the main causes of maternal death due to hemorrhage. Despite technological advances allowing earlier diagnoses, the incidence of cases has increased. The most common anomalous locations include the fallopian tubes, ovaries, and peritoneum. It is crucial to avoid tubal ruptures to allow choices between expectant, clinical and surgical treatments, minimizing impacts on women's quality of life and health. Objective: Understand the pathophysiological aspects, causes, symptoms, diagnostic and treatment options of ectopic pregnancy, as well as its clinical implications. Methodology: The present study is a bibliographic review article related to Ectopic Pregnancy, carried out between June and July 2024, 11 articles were selected, in which the review of articles was carried out in the electronic library database Scientific Electronic Library Online (SCIELO), Revista Médica del Uruguay, Revista Brasileira de Gynecologia e Obstetrícia, Revista Ibero-Americana de humanities, science and education and Revista da Associação Médica Brasileira. The following selection criteria were defined: full texts, books, analysis and systematic reviews, between the years 2004 and 2023, in Portuguese, English and Spanish. Results: Despite technological advances that allow earlier diagnoses, the incidence of ectopic pregnancy has increased globally.  Causes include multiple sexual partners, use of intrauterine devices, infertility treatment, endometriosis, previous tubal surgeries, pelvic inflammatory disease, smoking, and uterine anatomical changes. Initially the symptoms are imperceptible, and between the sixth and eighth week of pregnancy symptoms such as abdominal pain, menstrual delay, cramps and vaginal bleeding may appear. Early diagnosis is crucial to prevent tubal ruptures and allow for diverse treatment options. Exams such as serum β-HCG measurement and transvaginal ultrasound are essential. There are 3 main forms of treatment: expectant, clinical and surgical. Patients who wish to become pregnant after an ectopic pregnancy should be evaluated for possible assisted fertilization treatments. Conclusions: It is concluded that ectopic pregnancy has multiple and major impacts on the lives of sufferers and therefore requires an early diagnosis, with adequate quality treatment. in order to reduce the risk of complications and improve the quality of life of patients.
PDF (Português (Brasil))


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Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Karina Campanha , Ruan Carlos Nogueira Santos, Bianca Teixeira Souza, Jessica Cristina Teixeira Dutra, Laisa De’ Nadai Pin, Kamylla Cordeiro Gaspar Filgueiras, Edmar Augusto Campanha Neto, Rafaela Nogueira Santos, Amanda Giacomin