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Pediatrics, Neurology, Care.

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Lopes, A. V. de S., Siqueira, N. R., Castro, C. R. de, Eulálio, G. A. M., Henn, C. F. A., Meireles , D. R., Maranhão, L. M. H., Netto , J. V. de M. C., Franco, F. M., Leal, T. P., Silva, H. H. M., Adratt , C. J., Maia, L. F. da, Bazzanella, F. R., & Rezende, L. R. (2024). SURGICAL INTERVENTIONS IN CHILDREN WITH ENDOCRINE DISORDERS IN NEUROLOGICAL EMERGENCY SITUATIONS. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 6(7), 3321–3330.


This review article addresses the origin, spread and clinical signs of ovarian cysts in children, a complex gynecological condition that significantly impacts diagnosis and treatment. The incidence of these cysts varies according to age group, being less common in children before puberty and more frequent in newborns and adolescents, due to changes in gonadotropic activity. The objective is to expand knowledge about the causes and symptoms of ovarian cysts in pediatric patients, highlighting the importance of precise approaches to diagnosis and treatment. The methodology used was an integrative literature review, carried out through research in databases of articles related to the subject. Only texts that met the objectives of the study were evaluated, excluding theses, dissertations and duplicate content. The results indicate that the majority of cysts in babies and children are linked to problems in follicular development. Some cysts are hormonal and can cause the early onset of puberty, while others, such as Sertoli-Leydig cell tumors, can lead to virilization. Symptoms can be diverse, from symptomless masses in the abdomen to acute symptoms that look like appendicitis, which makes clinical diagnosis more complicated. In summary, ovarian cysts in children are difficult to diagnose due to the different forms of manifestation. This can cause some trauma to the child neurologically and may require correct intervention in emergency situations.
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Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Antônio Victor de Sousa Lopes, Nathália Rodrigues Siqueira, Clara Rabelo de Castro, Gabriel Arlindo Mendes Eulálio, Cássio Frederico Andrade Henn, Dariany Ribeiro Meireles , Laura Maria Holanda Maranhão, João Vítor de Mendonça Corrêa Netto , Fernanda Moreira Franco, Thiago Pontes Leal, Heloisa Helena Mesquita Silva, Camile Joly Adratt , Leonardo Ferreira da Maia, Fernanda Rossi Bazzanella, Letícia Rodrigues Rezende