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Sjögren's Syndrome, Treatment, Glandular Function.

How to Cite

Boaventura, R. V. B., Rodrigues, M. C. F., Almeida, D. C. de, Kretli, J. S., Viana, E. A., Neto, R. F. de O., Borges, S. H. A. L., Freitas, A. C. de, Pereira, H. M. B., Fernandes, D. L., Silva, J. de C. e, Maranhão, L. M. B., Ferreira, G. B. de C., & Pereira , W. C. J. (2024). SJÖGREN’S SYNDROME: TREATMENT OF COMPLICATIONS AND IMPROVEMENTS IN GLANDULAR FUNCTION. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 6(7), 2881–2895.


Sjögren's Syndrome is an autoimmune disease that mainly affects the glands that produce saliva and tears, causing significant dryness in the mouth and eyes.  Thus, an integrated approach that combines pharmacological and non-pharmacological strategies, adapted to individual needs, has shown effectiveness in reducing symptoms and generally improving the quality of life of patients with this syndrome. Objective: To identify the pathophysiological mechanisms underlying the syndrome and evaluate the effectiveness of different therapeutic interventions to control symptoms and prevent complications. Methodology: The Cochrane, Scielo and Medline databases were used, searching for articles published between 2016 and 2024, in Portuguese or English. Final Considerations: The therapeutic approach to Sjögren's Syndrome is diverse and essential for patients' quality of life. Firstly, interventions include immunosuppressive agents. Additionally, tear and saliva substitutes are important to alleviate dryness symptoms. Procedures such as occlusion of tear punctums and glandular electrical stimulation, as well as nutritional supplementation and oral and eye care, are also essential. Therefore, the combination of pharmacological and non-pharmacological strategies, personalized for each patient, is effective in reducing symptoms and improving quality of life.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Raíssa Vasconcelos Bittencourt Boaventura, Maria Carolina Fagundes Rodrigues, Denise Coelho de Almeida, Jemima Silva Kretli, Evelise Almeida Viana, Raimundo Franklin de Oliveira Neto, Sérgio Henrique Assunção Lacerda Borges, Alícia Cunha de Freitas, Heitor Motta Bini Pereira, Darlan Lopes Fernandes, Janderson de Castro e Silva, Luiza Maria Barbosa Maranhão, Gabriel Braz de Carvalho Ferreira, Wytória Christian Justino Pereira