Health education about external otitis in the rural area of Rio Grande do Norte: an experience report
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External Otitis
Risk Factors
Health Education

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Alves Praxedes, S., Albuerne Bezerra Diniz, L., de Lima Bezerra Aquino, P., Isis Soares de Lima Dantas, A., Dantas de Araújo Góis, A. V., de Castro Medeiros, L. C., Moura Viana , H., Alves de Lima Filho, C. A., Ramos de Carvalho, L. K., de Sousa Cavalcante Maia, D. H., Duarte dos Santos, L. M., Alves Praxedes, S., & Rosado Cantídio de Medeiros Nascimento, A. (2024). Health education about external otitis in the rural area of Rio Grande do Norte: an experience report . Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 6(7), 2974–2985.


This article aims to report an educational health action about external otitis and its predisposing factors, focusing on education and health promotion aimed at the most socially vulnerable population. This is a descriptive experience report about an educational event promoted by medical students in the rural area of ​​the city of Mossoró/RN. The topic was presented in simplified language in the form of a discussion circle, in a participatory and dynamic manner. In addition, informative pamphlets were provided, with a playful and didactic aspect. As a result of the experience, it was observed that the patients had little prior knowledge, but there was a high interest in the activity and a high level of satisfaction in the knowledge item, measured by means of a quiz with questions about the definition and preventive measures of external otitis. However, according to the research carried out, it was seen that frequent exposure to hot and humid climates, self-induced trauma, excessive cleaning of the external auditory canal and water retention in the external meatus due to unprotected water activities are the main risk factors. Furthermore, immunocompromised patients are predisposed to developing complicated forms. Finally, the importance of educational activities in primary care was highlighted, especially in vulnerable populations, in order to prevent ear diseases and their possible serious outcomes.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Sabrina Alves Praxedes, Lucas Albuerne Bezerra Diniz, Penélope de Lima Bezerra Aquino, Alexandra Isis Soares de Lima Dantas, Ana Valéria Dantas de Araújo Góis, Luana Christie de Castro Medeiros, Hugo Moura Viana , Carlos Alberto Alves de Lima Filho, Layla Kathlien Ramos de Carvalho, Dannyelly Hylnara de Sousa Cavalcante Maia, Letícia Mariana Duarte dos Santos, Silvia Alves Praxedes, Abraão Rosado Cantídio de Medeiros Nascimento