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Dietary Supplements
Systematic Review

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Almeida Oliveira de Brito, K. D., Rodrigues de Lima Freire, E. V., Amorim Araujo, J., Guedes Cirino, A., Barros Braga, R., Carvalho de Lourdes, A. C., Pinheiro Borges Neta, B., de Sousa Carvalho Sá, A., de Brito Melo, V., Cavalcante de Moura, A. C., Gomes Costa, R. de C., Souza dos Santos, T., & Teixiera de Lima Sampaio, C. A. (2024). MICRONUTRIENT SUPPLEMENTATION IN NEONATES: PREVENTING DEFICIENCIES AND PROMOTING HEALTHY DEVELOPMENT. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 6(7), 3049–3071. https://doi.org/10.36557/2674-8169.2024v6n7p3049-3071


Introduction: Nutritional deficiencies in the maternal and child population represent a public health issue worldwide, contributing to the development of complications and unfavorable outcomes for growth and healthy development in cases of deficiencies. Objective: This article aims to investigate the effects of micronutrient supplementation in neonates, focusing on the prevention of nutritional deficiencies. Methods: This study is a systematic literature review conducted following the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) protocol, using the databases MEDLINE, Scielo, and LILACS, with the keywords "nutritional supplements", "neonates". Studies involving newborns that investigated the effects of vitamin D, iron, zinc, and iodine supplementation were included. Included articles underwent dual review for enhanced accuracy. Results: A total of 270 articles were identified; however, 255 did not meet the inclusion criteria, leaving 15 studies for analysis. The studies showed positive outcomes in promoting health with the supplementation of micronutrients in neonates. Conclusion: Nutritional interventions demonstrate a broad spectrum of impact on neonatal health. Nevertheless, despite the positive findings of supplementation, individualized analysis and prescription are necessary, respecting the unique characteristics of each patient.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Karla Daniella Almeida Oliveira de Brito, Ellen Vitória Rodrigues de Lima Freire, Jaine Amorim Araujo, Adonay Guedes Cirino, Renan Barros Braga, Ana Carolina Carvalho de Lourdes, Beatriz Pinheiro Borges Neta, Andressa de Sousa Carvalho Sá, Victória de Brito Melo, Anna Clara Cavalcante de Moura, Rita de Cássia Gomes Costa, Thayse Souza dos Santos, Carlos Antonio Teixiera de Lima Sampaio