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Dental Pulp Calcification. Tooth Bleaching. Esthetic Dentistry.

How to Cite

Torres, A., Mezzalira, H., Pedrosa, R., & Nascimento, A. (2023). DENTAL BLEACHING AS A MODIFYING THERAPY FOR CASES OF SEVERE TOOTH DARKENING: REVIEW. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 5(4), 201–212.


The aim of this literature review was to demonstrate the impact of dental bleaching on the life of patients with dystrophic pulp calcification and to show its ability to solve the main complaint reported by the patient. This study is based on a literature review conducted by a researcher who gathered 15 articles out of 30 researched, from the period between 2001 to 2021, in virtual libraries such as the Virtual Health Library, Scielo, Pubmed, Medline, and virtual libraries of Brazilian universities. With a high success rate, proven through the literature, bleaching techniques are the most effective in treating dental discolorations. However, endodontic treatment can be used in non-vital teeth with symptoms or apical lesions, with some restrictions. There are different treatment options such as external bleaching, internal bleaching, veneers, and direct or indirect coronal restorations, to restore the appropriate color in calcified teeth.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Antonio Torres, Hilcia Mezzalira, Renata Pedrosa, Alexandre Nascimento