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Dental avulsion; Dental reimplantation; Endodontics;

How to Cite

Tomazinho, L. F., Nascimento, V. R. do, Galdino, K. S., Roseni, L. A. da S., Minharo, M. M., Romero, T. F., Higashi, H., Sandri, R. N., & Lisboa, G. A. (2024). ENDODONTIC TREATMENT AFTER TOOTH AVULSION IN A TOOTH WITH COMPLETE RHIZOGENESIS: CASE REPORT WITH THIRTEEN YEARS. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 6(7), 2184–2197. https://doi.org/10.36557/2674-8169.2024v6n7p2184-2197


Dental avulsion is an alveolar dental trauma characterized by the total expulsion of the dental element from the alveolus, the immediate treatment and evaluation of periodontal and endodontic conditions after trauma is essential for a good prognosis. Case report: 14-year-old patient, victim of trauma by bulkhead was treated in hospital due to fractures in the face and alveolar tooth trauma, and the avulsion of element 13 was diagnosed. Immediately, the element was reimplanted and maintained with semi-rigid splinting. After 20 days and the surgery to reduce and fix the fractures of the face, endodontic treatment and removal of the splintage were performed. After thirteen years of trauma, the patient remains asymptomatic, and on the radiography periodontal and periapical tissues are observed in normal conditions. Discussion: Immediate treatment is essential in cases of avulsion, and in teeth with a closed apex the endodontic treatment is necessary due to pulp necrosis and to avoid complications such as inflammatory resorption. Through this case it is concluded that reimplantation and endodontic treatment can provide satisfactory long-term results.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Luiz Fernando Tomazinho, Vanessa Rodrigues do Nascimento, Kamila Salomão Galdino, Larissa Aparecida da Silva Roseni, Myrella Minharo Machado, Thalita Fabiana Romero, Haila Higashi, Rafaela Nunes Sandri, Gustavo Amorin Lisboa