Biomarkers in Chronic Kidney Disease: Clinical Role and Relevance Prognosis
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Chronic Kidney Disease

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Gonçalves Zoppé, M., Nogueira da Costa , M., Franskoviak Cunha Silva, A. C., Lima de Freitas, F., Meneses dos Santos, L., Porcari Dutra Gaspar Rosa , A., Tavares Mariano, M. E., Fontana Gomes, C., & Gaburro Tozzi , M. (2024). Biomarkers in Chronic Kidney Disease: Clinical Role and Relevance Prognosis. Brazilian Journal of Implantology and Health Sciences, 6(7), 2364–2372.


In summary, articles in Portuguese and English published between 2015 and 2024 were searched, with 11 articles accessed through the VHL, in the databases at the USA National Library of Medicine (PubMed), being selected. It was clear that the diagnosis of kidney disease is resolved when there is kidney damage for at least 3 months, confirmed by biopsy kidney disease or markers of kidney damage. After establish this diagnosis, it is necessary classify the disease into one of five stages. Furthermore, it is also important to say that. There are studies that confirm the relationship between CKD with cardiovascular diseases, osteoporosis and history of bone fractures. It follows then that it is extremely important that some biomarkers are evaluated for thus have a good prognosis.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Milene Gonçalves Zoppé, Maria Nogueira da Costa , Ana Carolina Franskoviak Cunha Silva, Franciele Lima de Freitas, Leticia Meneses dos Santos, Anita Porcari Dutra Gaspar Rosa , Maria Eduarda Tavares Mariano, Catarina Fontana Gomes, Monique Gaburro Tozzi